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Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Daily Practice

ZonMw funds health research and stimulates the use of the knowledge accumulated through said research. Each year, they select a number of studies to highlight for being highly innovative or having immediate impact on the healthcare industry. These studies are awarded a so-called ‘Pearl’.

The importance of these studies and the researchers’ hard work are showcased via videos or animations, which also serve to announce the upcoming Pearl award ceremony.

Fixvision has provided all of ZonMw’s footage for many years now. For this year’s Pearl Awards, we were commissioned to make a video about the Alzheimer’s research being carried out at the Amsterdam UMC. These assignments always present us with a much-appreciated challenge, namely that of doing the research and the people involved justice.




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Documentaire Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Daily Practice door Fixvision
Documentaire Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Daily Practice door Fixvision
Documentaire Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Daily Practice door Fixvision

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